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eBooks, White Papers, Case Studies, etc.

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Evernote — Case Study: "SCg Shoe Co"

In creating this case study, I worked with Evernote's Product Marketing team to identify a suitable customer, conducted multiple interviews, and crafted it all into a cohesive, engaging narrative—with a little wordplay thrown in.

Glassdoor — eBook: "Glassdoor for Dummies, UK Version"

The "For Dummies" brand is widely known and trusted as a resource on how to do, well, pretty much anything. For this project, I was given full responsibility for transcreation and localizing this asset for the UK market. This required extensive editing and writing a considerable amount of new content. The result is a clear, easy-to-read guide that UK audiences have embraced as their introduction to Glassdoor.

Druva — Case Study: "Workforce Software"

Case studies are an important marketing tool for companies operating in the tech space. The goal is to show how one client has successfully used the company's product, creating the impression that it is both easy to do and vital. In creating this asset, I took a lengthy Q&A with the customer and distilled it down to the purest essence. 

Apcera — Solutions Brief: "Enabling the Architecture of the Future"

A Solutions Brief, by definition, should describe a common business pain and then explain how existing customers relieved that pain using the company's product—the implication being that you, too, can experience similar success by following their example. In writing this content, I identified the problem, pulled together quotes from numerous interviews, and crafted a compelling narrative.

Druva — Checklist: "You've Got Ransomware. Now What?"

The goal here was to create an asset that could walk a customer through the process of recovering their data after a cyberattack. To be effective, I needed to present a series of easy, logical steps and make the process as painless as possible. To achieve this, I researched the issue thoroughly, imagined an enticing title, and created a clear, easy-to-follow guide.

Druva — Checklist: "5 Steps: Automate Disaster Recovery With the Cloud"

Another checklist, with a similar goal: to show prospective customers how the client's product will make their live easier, by laying out a series of clear, easy-to-follow steps they can (and should) take. As with the previous checklist, I did considerable research into the subject before creating the copy for an engaging, user friendly guide.

Glassdoor UK — eBook: "Culture Codes of Best Places to Work"

Again, my responsibility was to localize an existing asset for an international market, but in this case that meant an almost complete rewrite. I selected appropriate UK-based companies, gathered as much data on them as I could find, identified the unique qualities that made them winners, and then tied it all together into a compelling blueprint for success.

Druva — ROI Brief: "7 Ways It Pays"

More direct than the Solutions Brief, the ROI Brief is overt in its promotion of the product's benefits. By definition, it focuses on the return a typical customer can expect to see by using the client's product. However, it still needs a coherent narrative and to be consistent with the client's brand voice. Again, I worked with SMEs to define the scope of the document, and tied it all together in one compelling argument.

Apcera — Data Sheet: "Product Features Comparison"

It's challenging to describe two versions of a product while making them sound equally attractive. In creating this copy, I focused on the awesome features that are common to both versions and make either one an appealing option. Where there are differences, they are presented as choices rather than limitations.

Perforce Software — eBook: "Seven Tips for Success with Git in the Enterprise"

The challenge when working with technical material is making it accessible and easy to digest. In co-writing and editing this eBook, I successfully humanized a dry, complex subject, injecting a little wit and lightheartedness consistent with the client's brand voice. It has since turned out to be one of the most popular pieces of content on the client's website, having been downloaded over 10,000 times.

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